Natacha Bagnard
Lead Computer Scientist

Dynamic and creative. Interested in designing and building cutting-edge applications used by thousands of end-users every day. Willing and capable to take part on all stages of a project including requirements definition, design, architecture, development, testing. Accustomed to perform quality work either as part of a team or individually in deadline-driven environments.

  • August 2016 - Current

    Lead Computer Scientist, Simba Technology inc., Vancouver, Canada

    I worked on developping JDBC and ODBC connectors for all kind of databases.

    Every project was the result of careful client needs gathering.
    I was involved in many meetings where we collected every piece of information we could to really understand each client specific need and offer them a hand-tailored performance tests set.

    • Gathering needs
    • Writing offers
    Performance testing
    I conducted performance tests campaign on various application to verify if they were meeting the desired performance objectives and what was their maximum supported load. Responsibilities :
    Gathering needs Writing offers
  • May 2015 - August 2016

    Senior Computer Scientist, Simba Technology inc., Vancouver, Canada

    I worked on developping JDBC and ODBC connectors for all kind of databases.

    Every project was the result of careful client needs gathering.
    I was involved in many meetings where we collected every piece of information we could to really understand each client specific need and offer them a hand-tailored performance tests set.

    • Gathering needs
    • Writing offers
    Performance testing
    I conducted performance tests campaign on various application to verify if they were meeting the desired performance objectives and what was their maximum supported load. Responsibilities :
    Gathering needs Writing offers
  • June 2014 - May 2015

    Senior Computer Scientist, Simba Technology inc., Vancouver, Canada

    I worked on developping JDBC and ODBC connectors for all kind of databases.

    Every project was the result of careful client needs gathering.
    I was involved in many meetings where we collected every piece of information we could to really understand each client specific need and offer them a hand-tailored performance tests set.

    • Gathering needs
    • Writing offers
    Performance testing
    I conducted performance tests campaign on various application to verify if they were meeting the desired performance objectives and what was their maximum supported load. Responsibilities :
    Gathering needs Writing offers
  • April 2013 - May 2014

    Performance test engineer, BULL, Grenoble, France

    I worked as a performance test engineer and analysed performance of large web applications for customers such as Région Ile de France or Schneider Electric.

    Every project was the result of careful client needs gathering.
    I was involved in many meetings where we collected every piece of information we could to really understand each client specific need and offer them a hand-tailored performance tests set.

    • Gathering needs
    • Writing offers
    Performance testing
    I conducted performance tests campaign on various application to verify if they were meeting the desired performance objectives and what was their maximum supported load. Responsibilities :
    Gathering needs Writing offers
  • October 2012 - April 2013

    Software engineer, BULL, Grenoble, France

  • January 2012 - October 2012

    Computer scientist, Simba Technology inc., Vancouver, Canada

  • October 2007 - October 2011

    Software engineer, BULL, Grenoble, France

  • September 2007

    Master degree in Computer Science Engineering, Université Joseph Fourrier, Grenoble, France

  • January 2007 - October 2007

    Trainee, BULL, Grenoble, France

Vital Stats
Years of experience
Jobs Duties

Skill Proficiency